HPP Ready-To-Eat products adapt perfectly to the current consumer’s needs offering convenience and quality at the same t...
The Annual IFT meeting took place on June 2-5 in New Orleans, USA and our Commercial and Applications Director Carole To...
Milk and dairy products are an excellent source of proteins, vitamins and minerals. These products have been traditional...
High Pressure Processing (HPP) is widely used as a non-thermal preservation technology for guacamole shelf-life extensio...
The importance of packaging in the HPP industry determines our agenda next June, since most of the events of this month ...
Burgos, Spain. Hiperbaric, the world leader in the manufacture and distribution of high pressure equipment for the food ...
Cod is amongst the most demanded fish in Europe due its nutritious, lean meat, and unique taste. Bacalaos Alkorta, one o...
Keeping in contact and giving support to our clients and spreading the wide advantages of HPP technology for food and be...
The right of healthy diet for kids and infants is one of the main concerns in the world. In the Children's Day in Spain ...
Market demand evolves towards “clean label” trends, such as Paleo, Whole30 and vegetarian-vegan diets as well as healthi...