The “Cleanse” juice category bets on High Pressure Processing (HPP)
“Cleanse” juices are made of vegetables, all natural, whose taste is variable depending on their composition. They can be made of fruits, vegetables, or both of them. The target consumer for those sort of juices are those looking for a premium product, and one of the objetives the manufacturers are looking for is the possibility of making them without additives, and not been heat treated in order to keep all their nutritional properties, vitamins, antioxidants and bioactive compounds.
The main challenge for these all-natural, never heated products is that in general they have a very short shelf-life, so the solution the manufacters have found is using HPP technology.
A Cleanse diet, consists on not eating solid food, the traditional intake, but just only juices and liquids, during a closed period of time. As a consecuence, the digestive system has a less demanding work, shorter digestions, favoring the nutrients intestinal absorption, a bigger liquid intake, giving as a result the organism hidratation and consecuently an improved appearance of the skin.
Also, as an only vegetable diet, the toxins accumulated in the body , ̶ caffeine, fat, and refined sugars ̶ can be eliminated and purged. In general, between 1 and 3 kg of body weight are lost in a 3-day Cleanse Plan.
Diets are made by doctors, nutritionists and food technologists and they cover all the nutritional needs of an adult person. Those diets are variable depending on the “Detox plan” of each brand.
All the information about diets and the “detox plans” is available on our customers’ websites:
The first consumers of these products were the red carpet Hollywood types, and later on these juice programmes became more popular, extending its use among that niche of population interested in health and nutrition.
These products are now all over the World, mostly USA, Europe and Oceania and the most successful brands all use Hiperbaric technology.
What a experience! Everybody should try the experience. After 3 days diet you feel less heavy and you really eliminate liquids (you spend a lot time going to the toilet). I did a 3 days plan, each day I had to drink 6 bottles of different flavors and I was not hungry at all. The first day of the plan I only liked one of the juices, the second day I liked 3 of them, but the third day the other tree were not so bad…
The first day after the diet I felt that I was not enough stuffed, so I ate more than usual but I was surprised that I´m not so sweet-toothed as before starting it.
You can read a nice article about HPP juices in this link:
Very informative, thanks
This is amazing!
very good information