The DioSiC project has been approved within the framework of the PERTE Chip Missions call of the Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación E.P.E. (CDTI), dependent on the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, within its Mission 1: “Strengthening R&D&I in cutting-edge microelectronic design and alternative architectures”.
DioSiC aims to overcome the current limitations of the use of silicon carbide (SiC) in the manufacture of polycrystalline silicon substrates. To this end, it is proposed to use the SPS (Spark Plasma Sintering) technique with a subsequent treatment using HIP technology, thus significantly improving its properties by eliminating any possible defects in polycrystalline SiC wafers. The new material investigated in the project will reduce the cost of the chips by 30% and increase their efficiency by 35% to make their production economically viable. The success of the project will ensure that Spain will be able to produce these novel chips with reasonable lead times and costs, covering the demand of a growing market and avoiding technological dependence on third countries.
DioSiC will be carried out by a consortium made up of 3 companies (Nanoker, Hiperbaric and Fagor Electrónica) and has the collaboration of 3 CSIC centres (National Microelectronics Centre (CNM), Centre for Materials Physics (CFM), and Centre for Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (CINN)) and a technology centre (CEIT). It also has the German Fraunhofer Institute, which participates through two research centres (Institute for Integrated Systems and Device Technology -IISB; and Center for Silicon Photovoltaics-CSP), and 2 technology companies related to the sector (Clas-sic and NovaSiC).
This project has a total budget of more than 3.3 million euros, and has been awarded a grant of 2.2 million euros (66.7%) from the European “Next Generation EU” funds, specifically from the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism.
Project funded by the CDTI and supported by
the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities


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We are excited to invite you to the upcoming conference, “DioSiC: Spanish chipmaking for the production of polycrystalline silicon carbide microchips”.
Learn more about the DioSiC R&D project, which is pioneering research into the development of semiconductor chips on silicon carbide substrates.
The R&D project will have the support of seven subcontracted entities, among research centres and technology companies that are national and international benchmarks. These organisms are:

Hiperbaric, Nanoker and Fagor are pioneers in the development of semiconductor chips with high isostatic pressure within the PERTE chip.
Spain, by financing the DioSiC project (acronym of Diodo & SiC: silicon carbide), aims to lead its technological independence with a new unique material, polycrystalline