Companies or research centers manufacturing components that face high demands in terms of mechanical properties or reliability will find in Hiperbaric the help and guidance they need to investigate how Hot Isostatic Pressing can help them achieve their goals.
At HIP Innovation Center our experts will help you determine the optimum HIP cycle parameters for your material and process.
Learn how to add HIP into your manufacturing process and benefit from all the advantages this post processing compaction technology brings into your metallic and ceramic material.
Hiperbaric offers its HIP Innovation Center services to all the different industrial sector or research centers working with metallic or ceramic components that will work in high responsibility sectors such as aerospace, medical implants or energy.
Manufactured by Casting, Additive Manufacturing, Metal Injection Molding or the like.
- Get to know the technology analyze how HIP can improve your material’s properties.
- Optimize your HIP cycle parameters to obtain the maximum performance out of your material.
- Perform test cycles to help develop your processing route for new products.
- Collaborate with international experts, which will guide you how to achieve the best possible properties out of your material.
- Achieve the certification required by you industry increasing the quality of your component thanks to HIP.

Our engineering team with ample experience in the manufacturing field, material science and mechanical performance will answer your questions regarding HIP helping you reach your optimum solution to your technical challenge.
Hiperbaric counts with the necessary design and simulation tools which allow us to study the interaction of the HIP process with your component and develop the best cycle parameters for your optimum cycle.
Hiperbaric’s Innovation Center counts with a 38 HIP. This press with its 2000 bar and 1400°C (30.000 psi and 1675 °K) uses Argon gas to process components in its Ø380mm x 1200mm (Ø14.5inch. x 47inch.) molybdenum furnace. Thanks to its wire-wound construction, this state of the art press uses Fast Cooling technology, enabling the development of HIP in combination with other Heat Treatments.
Visit us or ask for information
Our HIP Innovation Center is located in the north of Spain, in one of the most important industrial areas.