Hiperbaric has joined (as unfunded partner) the french project BLAC HP – Bactéries lactiques combinées avec hautes pressions pour un procédé durable de stabilisation des produits carnés réfrigérés (LACtic Bacteria combined with High Pressure for a sustainable stabilization process of refrigerated meat products): https://www.blac-hp.fr/.
The aim of the project is developing a new strategy for stabilization of refrigerated processed meat products by combining high pressure (HPP) and biopreservation using lactic acid bacteria. It is a project of high scientific content, but clearly focused on solving one of the problems that the meat industry faces every day: trying to reduce or eliminate the use of preservatives. The case study that will apply is the removal of nitrites in cooked ham to increase safety and shelf-life of the product.
The project was approved within the call Appel Générique Programme 2014 Défi Sécurité Alimentaire launched by the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR). It will last for 48 months (January 2015 – December 2018) and will have a budget of 0,8 M €. The Université de Bourgogne (PAM Laboratory, procédés alimentaires et microbiologiques) coordinates the project. The consortium counts with 10 members, six research institutes and 4 companies: CTCPA, ONIRIS (GEPEA & SECALIM), INRA (Micalis) AgroSupDijon, IFIP -Institut du porc; SBV (porc biologique); CHR Hansen; Cinq Degrés Ouest and Hiperbaric.
The role played by Hiperbaric is to offer advice and give access to HPP equipment for processing product testing.