The proven world leader in production-scale HPP equipment installations has yet again demonstrated true commitment to progress with the launch of the Hiperbaric 525 Liter Integrated HPP System. This breakth-rough generated immediate market endorsement through the receipt of an order from longtime HPP techno-logy user Good Foods Groupof Pleasant Prairie, WI. This is their 4th large HPP investment and the 3rd machine purchased from Hiperbaric.
Already offering the biggest and most productive 87,000 psi (6,000 bar) machine in the market, Hiperbaric is launching an even larger machine to meet the high demands of food producers. This new 525 liter machine will be showcased in full size at the Chicago Process Expo (November 3-6) and will sit atop the widest range of HPP systems in the market which also includes 55, 120, 135, 300, 420 liters. Visitors will be able to see firsthand how the expanded throughput from this large capacity system will greatly reduce the overall cost per pound for HPP technology. Capable of up to 10 cycles and over 8,000 pounds per hour, the 525 Liter will furt-her enhance the large scale economic and production viability of HPP technology. Couple this with Hiperbari-c’s integrated approach, high operating efficiency, and low maintenance costs, this new system ensures that HPP is fully entrenched as mainstream food processing technology.
For more information please contact:
visit our website www.hiperbaric.com
Or come to visit us at the Chicago Process Expo (November 3-6):
North Hall, Level 3 Booth 3779
Also please like our Facebook page www.facebook.com/hiperbaricHPP
And our Linked In page www.linkedin.com/company/hiperbaric
And check out our YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/HiperbaricHPP
Exciting! Looking forward to pictures and specs on the new model!