Hydrogen Online Conference is the world’s largest online hydrogen event and will take place on November, 8. Thousands of the world’s smartest hydrogen executives, experts, scientists and policymakers will attend the Hydrogen Online Conference (HOC) for one reason, the content: 30+ keynotes, 50+ showrooms, 120+ countries represented and a total of more than 10,000 participants. The event is organized by Mission Hydrogen, a platform whose objective is to share knowledge with all hydrogen professionals and to help all companies in the value chain to move towards a profitable hydrogen future.
Hiperbaric’s partipation as showroom host
Within the event, the “Showrooms” section is a space reserved for component and equipment suppliers to share their knowledge and solutions with the rest of the industry. Hiperbaric, one of the most distinguished companies offering high pressure hydrogen compressors, will have its own showroom. The main attraction of this space is that all attendees that visit the showroom will have the opportunity to be in direct contact with the exhibiting companies through a live chat and also through video call meetings that can be held jointly or private. The Hiperbaric representatives will be Carole Tonello, Vice President of Business Development, and Alejandro Blanco, Commercial Director, who will be available during the event from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm and 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm CET to answer any questions that may arise from the attendees. Moreover, Carole and Alejandro will give presentations about the hydrogen compression solutions offered by Hiperbaric, its main advantages and the projects where they are already installed, at three specific times of the day (9:00 am, 1:00 pm and 5:00 pm CET), In addition, in the showroom users will also be able to download a document with the different characteristics of the company’s hydrogen compressors and watch a detailed video about the equipment.
Availability for live video meetings: 8 am – 3 pm | 4.30 – 6.30 pm CET
Hydrogen Compression Talks: 9 am – 1 pm – 5 pm CET
Hiperbaric hydrogen compressors
Hiperbaric is the global leader in High Pressure Technologies. Its Plug & Play and oil free hydrogen compression solution is based on a reciprocating piston compressor that can build up the pressure of hydrogen from 20 bar to 500 – 950 bar and it is adaptable to any level of production and demand. Its oil free concept guarantees the maximum purity of the hydrogen due to the absence of oil in the pistons.
As a result of the company’s experience and its R&D efforts, Hiperbaric hydrogen compression technology approaches an isothermal compression process, allowing high reliability and reduced energy consumption. Due to its innovative design, the number of moving parts of the compressor is reduced, which achieves great durability in the compression system, with a life cycle of more than 10 years. The Hiperbaric compressor range includes its cooling systems and it is able to compress hydrogen from an inlet pressure of 20 bar to 200-950 bar for filling storage tanks.