- HPP In-Bulk technology processes beverages in bulk prior to filling, allowing the use of any type of packaging.
- Each machine has a production capacity of 4,000 liters per hour, the largest in the world, reducing processing costs and energy consumption.
- The award recognizes the most innovative products or services presented by exhibitors at Alimentaria FoodTech 2023, currently taking place in Barcelona
- The world leader in the development of high pressure technology beat 19 other candidates for the award.

Hiperbaric HPP In-Bulk technology has been recognized with Innova Alimentaria FoodTech 2023 award for its innovative character by allowing high pressure processing of large volumes of beverages.
The company, world leader in high-pressure processing, has managed to beat 19 other candidates competing for this award, which recognizes the most innovative products or services presented by exhibitors at the Alimentaria FoodTech 2023 show, which is being held these days in Barcelona.
The award highlights the ability of in bulk technology to carry out high-pressure processing of large volumes of bulk beverages before bottling, which reduces the cost of processing and energy consumption of industrial machines.
This new technology is adapted to the production lines of the beverage industry and allows the use of any type of packaging after processing, regardless of material, design or size.
With a machine production capacity of over 4,000 l/h, the highest in the world, the in bulk technology also reduces the environmental impact by including more sustainable formats with unlimited packaging alternatives. “We are truly proud that this worldwide innovation for high-pressure processing of large volumes of beverages is recognized for what it is, a revolutionary technology,” says Andrés Hernando, president and CEO of Hiperbaric. The first Bulk technology unit is installed at Agromousquetaires food group in France.
In bulk technology continues to offer the many advantages of high-pressure processing, the cold-pressure preservation technique that replaces preservatives and colorants or heat and chemical treatments, extending shelf life of foods and maintaining their nutritional values.
Specifically, it is based on applying high levels of water pressure of up to 6,000 bar for a few seconds or minutes, which inactivates the microorganisms responsible for food spoilage and preserves the nutritional characteristics of the fresh product.