The development of avocado based products would not have been possible without High Pressure Processing (HPP), which allows producers to differentiate their product from competitors, in addition to considerably reduce the amount of rejected product. HPP technology completely reduces or avoids the use of chemical preservatives, achieving natural products and helping the producer to open new markets to market their HPP avocado products.
People endorse each time we are going to buy a piece of this fruit, whenever we see a dish that contains it in a restaurant, we know that we are going to order it. What does avocado contains that we love so much?
This fruit from the American continent has revolutionized the gastronomic world and in recent years is not only associated with Mexican cuisine, but also as a fruit of its own in different countries.
Despite the complicated commercialization of avocado; its production, export and consumption continue to increase. In 2013, world production was 4.62 million tons, a figure that in 2017 (FAO, 2019) reached 5.92 million tons, an increase of 25% in 5 years. This last production occurred in 587,000 hectares, 18% more than in 2013, being distributed mainly between Mexico, the Dominican Republic and Peru.

However, the first place in consumption does not match the first place of production, since the United States It goes from being the tenth world avocado producer to the first consumer, followed by Mexico and the Dominican Republic. In addition, in 2017, both the United States as Mexico exceeded the border of one million tons of avocado consumed.
Avocado over the World
High Pressure Technology, or HPP has allowed avocado products to be exported to the whole world, and also to take advantage of the less attractive/imperfect fruuit for sale, in the form of pulps. However, the favorite product of the final consumer is still fresh avocado.

In 2017, the main exporters were Mexico, Peru and Chile. Colombian exporters of this fruit grew 260% between 2012 and 2017. The main exchanges in the avocado trade took place between Mexico and the US. with 796,000 Tons, followed by Mexico and Canada with 76,900 t and in third position from Peru to the Netherlands with 67,000 t. Although between 2012 and 2017, the exporters that grew the most were those from Mexico to the Netherlands (64%), from Mexico to France (54%) and from Mexico to Spain (52%).

HPP Avocado
HPP technology has allowed the elimination of preservatives, a natural product with perfect organoleptic qualities (HPP technology delays enzymatic browning), free of pathogenic bacteria and with a shelf life of up to 60 days in refrigeration.
For all this, the HPP avocado has allowed many of the guacamole companies to opt for this technology for its expansion to other markets. Currently about 13% of the units installed by Hiperbaric are dedicated to this business in 11 countries on 5 continents, with Mexico as the main market. Precisely, this video by Del Trío, one of our customers from Mexico, explains the entire production process of their HPP avocado products and the benefits obtained thanks to high pressures.

If you want to know more about HPP technology and how to improve the safety and quality of your products, do not hesitate to contact us.