Hiperbaric 300

Throughput kg/hour [pounds/hour]
1,410 [3,100]

Vessel Capacity liters [US liq. Galons]

Vessel diameter inside mm [inches]
300 [11.8]

Dimensions meters [feet]
L:17.4[57] W:4.4[14.4] H:4.3[14]
Hiperbaric 300 Main Features
Hiperbaric 300 can be configured as standard (intensifiers installed on floor) or integrated (intensifiers installed above unit).
Lowest production cost in the market.
Its advanced design offers the longest lasting yoke and vessel on the market.
Its diameter of 300 mm (11.8 inches) allows the geometry of the vessel to be optimized, making it one of the most economically competitive equipment in the range. It can process approximately 1,350 kg/h (2,976 lbs./h). In addition, its expandable configuration allows the customer to increase production for future growth. .
Hiperbaric 300 is the most suitable equipment for medium-high productions