If you would like to know more about the latest trends and applications of HPP, do not miss the opportunity of listening...
We are pleased to announce that E.A.E. Rohstoff GmbH, through the company HPP Deutschland, will make HPP available in Ge...
There are many health claims printed in food labels that usually catch our attention when we go grocery shopping. Probio...
At Hiperbaric we think that it is important to understand global tendencies of our high-pressure technology. Therefore, ...
Salmonella is a recurrent bacterium in tabloids. Its repeated occurrence made us less sensitive to this outbreaks despit...
This has been a very intense year for High Pressure, a growing sector which is called to be “must-have” technology for a...
Baby Food products rank amongst the most complex food products on the market because of their demanding requirements bot...
When we go to supermarket, we choose those foods that we like eating and sharing with family and friends based on our pr...
Universal Pasteurization Company LLC will host the First summit dedicated to HPP technology (High Pressure Processing) w...
Earlier this month, Listeria fear prompted the recall of 372,000 Pounds of chicken and pork Hot Dogs from Bar-S Foods. L...
Last month Hiperbaric has taken part in many and different kinds of events. On 19th May, Hiperbaric, the World leading ...
Following close of its last edition, Messe Frankfurt, published the results of the IFFA, the biggest show for Meat Indus...
2015 has been an intense year for food industry and its actors and, If there was a Food Oscar ceremony, Salmonella would...
NutriFresh Services LLC announces addition of 4th High Pressure Processing (HPP) machine, a Hiperbaric 525. The machine ...
Joyce Longfield was recognized as one of the most influential figures of the Beverage industry of 2015 for her key role ...
Friday 1st January at a gala event held on a water-borne platform at Sydney’s iconic Darling Harbour known as the Docksi...
  West Australian fruit and vegetable growers could soon extend their reach into export markets, with the launch of t...
Qantas Trend Consultant, supermodel Jessica Hart is sharing her health and wellness knowledge with fellow passengers, wi...
Edison, NJ, December 7, 2015 (Newswire) - The highly anticipated co-packing facility located within NutriFresh’s existin...
IRVINE, CA (December 1st , 2015) — True Fresh HPP is executing on its vision to be the nation’s leading, large-capacity ...
The high pressure processing (HPP) machine is slated to arrive in NutriFresh Service’s state-of-the art Edison, N.J. HPP...
Last Wednesday the San Diego-based company Suja and the multinational beverage company Coca-Cola announced the signing o...
Foster Farms is a meat company specialized in a variety of chicken and turkey products. It has been privately owned and ...
LiDestri is the premier manufacturer of sauces, dips and salsas in the United States. Coast to coast, the company has mu...
On September 2015, Lima (Peru) will host the VIII AVOCADO CONGRESS, event which takes place every four years and reunite...
Hiperbaric has joined (as unfunded partner) the french project BLAC HP - Bactéries lactiques combinées avec hautes press...
Colton, CA, June 9, 2015 - Lineage Logistics ("Lineage"), a warehousing and logistics company backed by Bay Grove, is in...
EXPO Milano 2015 is the Universal Exposition held in Milan about food and nutrition. During the EXPO 2015 semester (May ...
National Technical University of Athens will host the 2015 Workshop on 12th and 13th November in Athens, Greece. The the...
The Edison Awards are the most internationally prestigious Awards in innovation.   The award recognizes Hiperbari...


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