Hiperbaric is the world's leading company specialized in industrial equipment for High Pressure Technologies. Since 1999, we have been an international leader in the design, manufacture and marketing of High Pressure Processing (HPP) industrial equipment for food and beverages with industrial machinery installed on five continents. In our desire to conquer new markets, since 2016 we have developed a new line of industrial machinery for Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) used for critical industrial components focused on the aerospace, energy, oil & gas, automotive or medical implant sectors. In 2021 we launched another innovative business line: high pressure hydrogen compression from renewable energies, to participate in the challenge of the decarbonization of the mobility and the economy.

Andrés Hernando, Founder & CEO Hiperbaric
"We are leaders in high pressure technology for food and beverages thanks to the reliability of our industrial equipment for HPP processing, both for packaged products with the in-pack range and for processing bulk liquids before packaging with the innovative in-bulk machinery.
In addition, with the introduction of Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) technology for processing metal parts and hydrogen compression technology, we have become a world leader in High Pressure Technologies.
I would like to thank customers, suppliers and shareholders for their trust in Hiperbaric, and our employees for their dedication".

To meet our customers' needs to create safe products with HPP; facilitate the decarbonization of the planet with hydrogen and provide more reliable components with HIP.

To maintain our leadership as a global benchmark supplier in high-pressure technology by developing the world's most reliable industrial HPP, H2 and HIP equipment.

Defend our values as a fundamental pillar of Hiperbaric, which have led us to lead the HPP market worldwide thanks to an excellent team.
Hiperbaric's purpose is to be a company of reference in facilitating the personal and professional growth of all our stakeholders.
We install our first HPP equipment operating at 6000 bar (600 MPa / 87000 psi) in Canada and in the United States, our main market, and also in Japan, one of the most technologically demanding countries. We also launch in New Zealand with the first machine for dairy processing. Our presence reaches four continents and continues to internationalize. We consolidate our position as world leaders in HPP technology, with a new maximum turnover and the potential of our Integrated range (HPP equipment with high pressure intensifiers above the process chamber) of equipment, which is why FAE awarded us the innovation prize in 2011. Hiperbaric USA opens its doors in Miami, Florida. We establish ourselves in the United States to get closer to customers in our main market, North America. We install our hundredth machine in the USA and change our name to “Hiperbaric”. We are the first Spanish company to obtain an Edison Award for our contribution to improving users’ lives through innovation and technological progress. We launch the Hiperbaric 525 which becomes the new best seller in the HPP world, boosting our turnover by almost 50%. Andrés Hernando (President and CEO), with the support of several Spanish partners, including Alantra, the pioneer firm in the venture capital sector in Spain, and Desmasa, Hiperbaric’s strategic partner for high pressure intensifiers since 2004, buy Hiperbaric. Este proyecto de divulgación científica se plantea todos los años junto con el inicio del curso escolar. Transmitiendo la información a las conserjerías de educación y los centros educativos de toda España para que inscriban a sus equipos. Installation of our first machine with In-Bulk technology in France, a Hiperbaric 525 Bulk. We inaugurate the expansion of the Burgos factory facilities. We launch the Hiperbaric HIP (Hot Isostatic Pressure) technology for high pressure (up to 2000 bar) and high temperature (up to 1450 °C) processing with the aim of offering technology that improves the mechanical properties of metal parts. After years of research and development, we commercialize the first Hiperbaric 538 HIP equipment, for Hot Isostatic Pressing, a manufacturing process used to densify metallic or ceramic parts that require excellent mechanical properties. This business line is focused on sectors such as aerospace, oil & gas or medical, among others, which require high performance, reliable and durable parts. We celebrate the sale and start up of the 300th HPP unit for the avocado industry in Mexico. We expand new horizons in the HPP market with the installation of our first machine in the pharmaceutical sector, in Europe, and with other equipment for the biotechnology sector, in Asia. Tras disponer de los equipos inscritos tiene lugar la reunión inicial de presentación del desafío, donde además de la información general, se muestran las novedades y avances de cada edición y sirve como toma de contacto entre los equipos y resolución de las primeras dudas. Seguidamente cada equipo debe preparar un plan de negocio que debe ser aprobado para recibir el kit inicial que suministra la organización (Hiperbaric patrocina la carrocería y las ruedas). Una vez recibido el Kit inicial, los equipos disponen de varios meses para el diseño, fabricación y puesta a punto del vehículo. En paralelo deben trabajar los apartados de ingeniería que plasmarán en el proyecto técnico y los aspectos de gestión y organización que incluirán en el proyecto empresarial. Ante un jurado de expertos técnicos y educativos, defenderán en dos presentaciones de 15 minutos, tanto las alternativas técnicas y constructivas adoptadas en sus vehículos, como las pautas de gestión, comunicación e innovación seguidas en la ejecución de este proyecto. El desafío educativo Hiperbaric Challenge no sólo valora la viabilidad técnica del coche, sino que también se evalúan y fomentan aspectos como la creatividad e innovación, el trabajo en equipo, la comunicación y difusión de sus desarrollos o el uso de medios tecnológicos. Los equipos que hayan llegado hasta aquí y cuenten con un coche que cumpla con la normativa de la FEDEI y del desafío, pondrán a prueba sus coches en competición directa, no sólo entre ellos como participantes del Hiperbaric Challenge, sino con otros pilotos federados a nivel nacional, ya que esta carrera entra dentro de la competición de Copa de España en categorías pesadas. In 2021 we are making steady progress with another innovative line of business: very high pressure hydrogen (H2) compression, from renewable energies, to participate in the challenge of sustainable mobility. We celebrated the sale and start up of the 50th unit of our largest HPP In-Pack machine, the Hiperbaric 525; as well as our first hydrogen compressor in Europe.BEGINNINGS
We install our first horizontal industrial high pressure processing equipment Hiperbaric 300 (300 l – 5000 bar / 500 MPa / 72500 psi) in the Campofrío meat products plant in Burgos.PASTEURIZATION
We expand our range of machines with the Hiperbaric 55 and the Hiperbaric 135.NEW ZEALAND
We receive the “FEMEBUR Award” for the best business project in the metal industry in Burgos. Hiperbaric leaves the Nicolás-Correa group as a result of a restructuring.WORLD LEADERS
The result of 3 years of intense R&D work, we present a global new product that revolutionizes the HPP beverage market: In-Bulk technology. We open two new commercial offices in Mexico and Singapore. The first products with the “High Pressure Certified” seal following the safety and quality criteria developed by the Cold Pressure Council launch in the USA.Inscripción
Reunión Inicial
Plan de negocio
Diseño, fabricación y proyecto
Hydrogen compression
Reaching new goals
Our facilities
Our headquarters in Burgos (Spain) cover more than 30,000 sqm to be able to carry out our activity in the most efficient way. Approximately half of this area is built up land. The factory consists of 3 different buildings, the main one with the assembly workshop and the offices (arranged as group meeting rooms, coworking areas and relaxation areas). The second building is dedicated to machining activities, not only for the manufacture of Hiperbaric's high pressure machines but also for external customers. The third building is a warehouse.
Contamos con:
Un área de oficinas dispuesto de salas para reuniones en grupo, zonas de Coworking, áreas de descanso …
Un taller de montaje provisto de equipamiento…
Una nave de mecanizado….
Un amplio Almacén para controlar el stock de nuestros productos….
A spacious, modern and innovative environment where we can carry out our work in the most efficient way
Contamos con:
Un área de oficinas dispuesto de salas para reuniones en grupo, zonas de Coworking, áreas de descanso …
Un taller de montaje provisto de equipamiento…
Una nave de mecanizado….
Un amplio Almacén para controlar el stock de nuestros productos….
Our office in Miami (USA) covers an area of 1,000 sqm. This area is divided into modern offices to carry out the commercial function, fully equipped meeting rooms for efficient meetings and a corresponding pilot plant for product testing.
Contamos con:
Un área de oficinas dispuesto de salas para reuniones en grupo, zonas de Coworking, áreas de descanso …
Un taller de montaje provisto de equipamiento…
Una nave de mecanizado….
Un amplio Almacén para controlar el stock de nuestros productos….
Our Awards
The Metal Entrepreneurs Federation acknowledges Hiperbaric as the best business project in the metal industry in Burgos.
IFT Innovation Award
Innovation Award from the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT Innovation Award) for the development of the world's largest and most productive high pressure processing equipment: Hiperbaric 420.
That same year, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) and the Spanish Institute of Foreign Trade (ICEX) select Hiperbaric as a model technology company.
FAE Innovation Award
Award granted by the Federation of Business Associations for the world innovation project in High Pressure Processing Technology.
Edison Award
Hiperbaric obtains its greatest distinction to date: an Edison Award. The first Spanish company to obtain this award. Recognized for our contribution to improving the lives of users through innovation and technological progress.
Cepyme Award in the category of International Development
The Spanish Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises recognizes Hiperbaric's international positioning.
CyL Economic Award for Best Business Operation
Recognition for keeping Hiperbaric's decision center and industrial assets in Burgos.
European Technology Award in the Technological Innovation category.
The Institute of Professional and Business Excellence awards Hiperbaric as a world leader in its sector for its continuous developments and technological innovation.
Values Over Value Awards: Fundación Caja Rural de Burgos
Responsibility Award for the commitment to the economic and social development of the area where Hiperbaric is located.
IFT Prize
Carole Tonello, Hiperbaric's Applications Manager, receives the IFT award for her contribution within the Non Thermal Division of the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT).
Manufacturing Innovation Award
Awarded by ProFood World, this prize honors the worldwide innovative technology of the Hiperbaric Bulk team.
Global CFO Excellence
David Sagredo, Hiperbaric's Chief Financial Officer, wins the F&B Processing CFO of the Year award.
Sial innovation awards
The organization awarded Hiperbaric HPP In-Bulk technology as one of the most distinguished innovations carried in the food industry.
Steam talent girl awards
Hiperbaric was awarded as "Company with the best Development and Talent". This program aims to indetify female talent among young people to promote their future careers in STEM (science, technology, mathematics and engineering).
International foodtec awards
Hiperbaric HPP In-Bulk Technology was one of the five Gold Medal winners of this prestigious award due to its new concept that will revolutionize the production of large volumes of HPP beverages.
Big innovation awards
The award recognized Hiperbaric HPP In-Bulk technology as one of the most important innovations in the food tech industry.
CYL Económica Award for the Most Innovative Product
Castilla y León Económica magazine recognized our hydrogen compression technology up to 1,000 bar as the most value-added product with the best market reception in 2022.
CYL Económica Award for the Best Human Resources Manager
Maite Castrillejo, director of Hiperbaric's human resources department, was awarded this prize for her decisive management of the workforce, company objectives, talent retention, remuneration policy, employee training and work-life balance.
Contamos con:
Un área de oficinas dispuesto de salas para reuniones en grupo, zonas de Coworking, áreas de descanso …
Un taller de montaje provisto de equipamiento…
Una nave de mecanizado….
Un amplio Almacén para controlar el stock de nuestros productos….
Our Partnerships
Members of some of the most prestigious associations and institutions in the world.