Global Compact,
a principled initiative
The United Global Compact is the initiative that leads corporate sustainability in the world. It has more than 20 years of experience and more than 70 local networks around the world, including the Spanish network, which is, since its creation, one of the first national platforms of the Global Compact and the local network with the largest number of adhered entities, with more than 2,100. Its objective is to promote the implementation of the Ten Principles of the Global Compact while promoting the integration of the SDGs in the business sector, being the only organization that has the mandate of the United Nations for this purpose.

We are what we do
At Hiperbaric, we have joined the Global Compact and are committed to aligning our operations with Ten Universally Accepted Principles in the areas of human rights, labor standards, environment and anti-corruption, and to adopt measures in support of the United Nations objectives currently embodied in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Statement of
Continued Support for the Global al Pacto Mundial

We develop our work with professionalism and passion, finding the balance between providing the best possible service to our different stakeholders, to society and to the planet.