In July 30th a workshop about food processing by high pressure (HPP) will take place at the Fab Lab of New Zealand Food Innovation, known locally as FoodBowl. It will talk about the growing demand for minimally processed products and the opportunities offered by this technology to the food industry. On behalf of Hiperbaric Dr. Carole Tonello, Director of Applications and expert in the subject, will speak on “Future growth for HPP and Development in the Foreign Market”. New developments in technology“.
The New Zealand Food Innovation Network (NZFIN) is an accessible, national network of science and technology resources created to support the growth and development of New Zealand food & beverage business of all sizes or providing facilities and the expertise needed to develop new products and process from idea to commercial success. It has a range of facilities throughout New Zealand and among them is FoodBowl. This is a facility where companies can produce commercial runs of new Food & Beverage for marketing and then capitalize on both domestic and export opportunities.
NZFI also has a red line food pilot plant to initiate and support further research and development (FoodPilot); a consultancy that works with companies to achieve their growth, development and export goals (FoodSouth) and the first and only independent New Zealand spray dryer capable of developing new products, from concept to marketing (FoodWaikato). Without a doubt, we are facing a fully integrated company in the region that offers New Zealand companies innovative, very interesting tools for their development, growth, and this High Pressure Processing workshop that will take place is one more tool.

High Pressure Processing is an innovative technology for food preservation through the application of extremely high pressures (6,000 bar / 87,000 psi), which are transmitted through water, inactivating pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms that are in food. Unlike classic techniques, such as pasteurization, this cold process keeps intact the organoleptic properties of food, and its content in nutrients and vitamins, offering a fresh product with a longer shelf life without the need to use additives. High Pressure Processing (HPP) is being used to meet these consumer demands and create novel, exciting and minimally-processed food and beverage products.
On July 30 the FoodBowl will hold a High Pressure Processing (HPP) workshop in which they will talk about the new demands of consumers in terms of food and that, today, the market expects increasingly safe, natural, fresh foods with a high nutritional value and processed by high pressures can be a solution to achieve these objectives.
Our Applications Director, PhD Carole Tonello will present about “Future growth for HPP and Development in the Market Overseas. New developments in technology”, in addition to providing very interesting information about different applications of this technology: Fruits and Vegetables, Beverages, Meats, Seafood, Pet Food, Dairy Alternatives and RTE (Ready Meals).

They will also have other renowned speakers and interesting topics such as those indicated below:
- Professor Marc Hendrikx (Centre for Food and Microbiology, Leuven, Netherlands) – How HPP has been transferred from science to application.
- Professor Indrawati Oey (School of Food Science, Otago University) – Recipe design, nutrients and texture, shelf-life and microbiology. Non-thermal alternatives to HPP.
- Multivac (HPP Equipment Supplier) – Practical demonstration of HPP machine
- Torben Sorensen (NZ Sorensen Laboratories) – Validation considerations for HPP
- Kris Tong and Dr. Alasdair Baxter (The FoodBowl NZ) – Packaging for HPP, Scale up and Commercialization
Come and engage with leading global experts on HPP to learn more about this exciting technology!
If you want to know more about the HPP technology and how to improve the food safety and the quality of your products, contact us, the world leading manufacturer of High Pressure Processing (HPP) equipment for the food industry.