Letter from Andrés Hernando, Hiperbaric, CEO
Hiperbaric Priorizes Sustainability
We live in times of change. The world as we know it calls for sustainable and innovative technologies that promote peace and care for the planet. While it is true that natural resources are limited, the capacity for self-improvement is not. At Hiperbaric we work every day to prove it.
Another world is possible and within our reach.
It is now, more than ever, when our corporate purpose takes on its full meaning. We want the development of our work to contribute to the personal and professional growth of everyone involved in our organization. Without this, it would be difficult to sustain our world leadership in high-pressure technologies, or to promote innovation in this field.
We aim to be a benchmark company in terms of innovation, diversification and support for the ecological transition. We want our economic growth to be a reflection of our know-how, but above all, of the strength of our values and our management style.
Since we began our sustainable journey, financial insecurity and the realization of the fragility of people and the world have influenced the creation of a business landscape that is not only concerned with economic profit, but also with human well-being and the environment. This is what society is asking of us, or at least this is how we perceive it at Hiperbaric.
Bringing together the expectations of the different stakeholders, selecting the material issues and aligning them with our company strategy and our founding values, has been a work of reflection and growth for the company. This way of operating is already being reflected positively in our current results and in our forecasts for the future.
I am proud to say that our business success has not been the result of chance. Behind each of our actions there is a committed team, attentive to the needs of the business, the people and the planet, opening new possibilities to achieve a sustainable and healthy world, through technological innovation, and not by dominating and abusing natural resources.
I feel very fortunate to lead Hiperbaric. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my team for their tenacity and enthusiasm in all the projects we have initiated. We are pioneers in the field of high pressures, but without their trust, their joint work and their commitment, Hiperbaric would not be as well received as it is today by its customers and by society in general.

Andrés Hernando,
Founder & CEO of Hiperbaric